Purchase Order Management | Striven

Purchase Order Management

Make every cent (and second) count.

Purchase Order Precision

By automating critical tasks and offering deep insights into supplier performance and order status, Striven significantly cuts down on manual workload and enhances decision-making.


  • Purchase Requisition Processing
  • Supplier Management
  • Purchase Order Creation
  • Order Approval Workflow

Purchase Requisition Processing

Striven simplifies the initiation of purchase requests, ensuring a smooth transition from need identification to approval.

This is achieved by digitizing the process, enabling electronic submissions, and incorporating an intuitive approval workflow that adapts to your business rules.

cloud accounting field service software customer vendor portals
shipping and supplier vendor management

Supplier Management

Striven provides a holistic view of vendor performance, history, and compliance, enabling businesses to select the best partners based on data-driven insights.

Integration with the Vendor Portal ensures real-time communication and collaboration, fostering strong, productive relationships.

Purchase Order Creation

Striven supports the generation of tailored purchase orders that reflect specific business needs, including the selection of multiple vendors and the customization of order details. T

his functionality is backed by a robust set of templates and configurable fields, ensuring that every purchase order is precise, compliant, and optimized for the transaction at hand.

Order Approval Workflow

Streamline the validation process without sacrificing diligence.

By leveraging electronic, written, and verbal approval mechanisms, businesses can tailor the approval process to their unique hierarchy and policies.

Striven customer review rating 5 stars


“Striven saves me so much time.”


“Not having to bounce between separate tools that don’t integrate well with each other is one of the most significant benefits for me. ”
—Ian Anderson, Associate Product Manager


Ready to try it? Start here.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What makes Striven’s Purchase Order Management stand out?


    It’s the embodiment of efficiency and accuracy, automating several steps that previously depended on manual intervention, thus ensuring every order is processed with precision every time.

  • Can Striven accommodate businesses with multiple locations?


    Absolutely. Striven is engineered to seamlessly manage operations across multiple locations, including e-commerce, retail, and warehouse distribution, right out of the box.

  • How does Striven benefit my e-commerce business?


    It integrates sales, inventory, and financial data into a unified platform, offering real-time tracking of sales across all channels from a single dashboard.

  • Is the cost of Striven’s order management system prohibitive?


    On the contrary, Striven is a cost-effective solution, eliminating the need for multiple software applications and reducing the time and energy spent on order processing.

  • What advantages does the customer portal offer?


    The customer portal accelerates payment processes and enhances communication, allowing for electronic invoicing, payment, order approval, and contract signing.

  • Does Striven include accounting features?


    Yes, Striven contains a fully integrated accounting solution, facilitating quicker invoice-to-payment cycles and providing comprehensive visibility into financial operations.

  • What happens if salespeople make mistakes with orders?


    Striven includes safeguards like final review checks by sales managers and a global sales order audit log, minimizing errors and ensuring order accuracy.

  • Are there challenges in transitioning to order management software?


    While adapting to new technology may present initial challenges, Striven’s integrated system and support team ensure a smooth transition, aligning with every facet of your business for optimal automation and communication.

Striven's Got You Covered

Whatever your business, Striven is here for you, making your workweek just a little easier.