Segmentation | Striven


Tools built for today’s fast-paced world.

Unleash the Power of Targeted Engagement

Leveraging detailed customer insights and segmentation capabilities sets your business apart. Striven’s sophisticated segmentation feature is more than a tool—it’s a strategic ally in sculpting your market approach with precision.


  • Segmented Email Messaging
  • Personalization Tools
  • Project and Task Integration
  • Sales Pipeline Integration

Segmented Email Messaging

Craft messages that resonate.

With Striven, your email marketing evolves into a finely-tuned instrument of engagement, allowing you to speak directly to your audience’s specific interests, needs, and pain points.

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Personalization Tools

Personalization is no longer optional—it’s imperative.

Striven’s advanced personalization tools empower you to create an individualized experience for your customers, from tailored content to bespoke offers, ensuring every interaction with your brand feels uniquely theirs.

Project and Task Integration

Enable a more coordinated, data-driven approach to marketing and sales strategies.

Striven’s ability to integrate your lists with all of your projects and tasks ensure that customer insights and segmentation data flow seamlessly into project and task management.

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Sales Pipeline Integration

Our lead qualification feature seamlessly integrates with your sales pipeline, providing a holistic view of where each prospect stands in their buying journey. With real-time updates and notifications, your sales team can efficiently manage their pipeline.

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“Striven is an AMAZING tool!”


“It has allowed us to cut out 3 separate platforms which didn’t integrate well with each other.”
—Ian Anderson, Associate Product Manager


Ready to try it? Start here.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How does Striven ensure precise customer segmentation?


    Striven employs advanced algorithms and data analysis tools to accurately segment customers based on behavior, preferences, and other key metrics, allowing for highly targeted marketing efforts.

  • Can Striven’s segmentation features integrate with existing tools?


    Absolutely. Striven is designed for flexibility and can seamlessly integrate with a wide range of tools and platforms, enhancing your existing ecosystem.

  • Is it possible to track the effectiveness of segmented campaigns in Striven?


    Yes, through its robust analytics and reporting capabilities, Striven provides detailed insights into the performance of your segmented campaigns, enabling continuous optimization.

  • How does Striven handle data privacy and security within its segmentation features?


    Striven adheres to stringent, industry standard data privacy regulations and employs top-notch security measures to ensure your customer data is protected and handled with the utmost care.

  • Can non-technical users manage segmentation in Striven easily?


    Striven boasts a user-friendly, “no code” interface, making it accessible for users with varying levels of technical expertise to effectively utilize its segmentation features.

  • How can Striven’s segmentation improve customer engagement?


    By delivering more relevant, personalized content and offers to each customer segment, Striven significantly enhances engagement, satisfaction, and loyalty.

  • What kind of support does Striven offer for setting up and using its segmentation features?


    Striven provides comprehensive support, including detailed documentation, responsive customer service, and training resources to ensure you can leverage its segmentation features effectively.

  • Does Striven’s segmentation capability include AI-driven insights?


    Yes, Striven incorporates AI and machine learning technologies to generate deeper insights into customer behavior, enhancing the precision of segmentation and the effectiveness of targeted marketing strategies.

Striven's Got You Covered

Whatever your business, Striven is here for you, making your workweek just a little easier.