July 2023 - Striven

Striven Earns 15+ Software Awards for Summer 2023

Lumberton, NJ – July 17, 2023 – Striven, a leading ERP for growing businesses, has earned over 15 awards and recognitions in various categories for Summer 2023 according to user feedback sourced from top software review sites G2, Capterra, SoftwareAdvice, and GetApp.

Some of the recognitions Striven has received this summer have been for its business management capabilities, accounting features, CRM functions, and overall software usability.

Here’s a detailed rundown of all of the recognitions Striven received for Summer 2023:


Best Results

Best Results (Small Business)

Best Relationship (Small Business)

Momentum Leader

High Performer

High Performer (Mid-Market)

High Performer (Small Business)


Usability (Small Business)


Implementation (Small Business)

striven erp software awards 2023

Most Recommended, Business Management

Best Customer Support, Business Process Management

Best Customer Support, Business Management

Best Customer Support, CRM

Best Customer Support, Accounting

striven summer 2023 software erp awards

Best Value, Contractor Management

Best Value, Construction Management

Get App

Best Functionality and Features, Construction Management

User Feedback

The insights gathered from these review platforms are derived directly from individuals utilizing Striven. Here’s a glimpse into their recent perspectives:

We use Striven extensively for client, staff and project tracking; we have found it to be a seamless solution. I especially like the ability to design surveys, assessments and reports on the fly for up-to-the minute information.” – Lil D., Customer Experience Director, CSST Software

We use Striven for a range of different things every day in our shop. It’s allowed us to centralize data that was previously poorly organized and cluttered. The support they offer is second to none!” – Jay F., Sales, The Stove Shop Fireplace Center

Went through a dozen companies for my needs and I’m glad I chose Striven. Their support has been very pleasant to talk to and highly responsive. I love the customization of dashboards too! Shout out to John F. for making Striven an easy decision. My CPA likes it too!” – Brandon M., Executive Admin, Brand Home Exteriors

Striven – The All-In-One Business Management Solution

The accomplishments of Striven in Summer 2023 serve as a powerful testament to unwavering commitment to excellence in the ERP landscape. Winning numerous prestigious awards acknowledges not only extensive technological expertise but also highlights the positive influence Striven has had growing businesses. These accolades show Striven’s dedication to innovation, optimization of user experience, and their relentless pursuit to empower businesses to achieve more.

Striven In The News:

Associated Press

Star Tribune

International Business Times

Digital Journal

Townhall Finance

Small Business Success: A Guide To Avoiding Financial Crisis

Small businesses need to have risk management and mitigation strategies as part of their business plan. Any number of factors can cause a financial emergency, as the COVID-19 pandemic has proven, and it can be challenging to keep a small business alive during these times. In today’s landscape, where some people say that a recession is already here, this is especially relevant. There is no set playbook to follow when times get rough since different companies across different industries carry their risks and rewards. 

However, there are certain business strategies that business owners can adopt to make sure that they can avoid financial crises. This requires meticulous planning and an understanding of how the market works. Here is our guide for small businesses to steer clear of financial emergencies. 

Always have a plan in place 

It is imperative to have a financial plan for your business because this helps you to understand your income and expenses. This will help you have a record of your investments, cash reserves, expenses and savings. With a plan like this in place, your business will have clearly defined goals which will allow you to invest your money wisely. This is the first step towards preparing yourself for the onslaught of an economic crisis. 

Go over your finances frequently

One of the best ways you can stay afloat during a financial crisis is by only covering your essential costs and not spending on extras. For this, it is necessary to list down your essential requirements as well as the budget you need for them. Sticking to a budget is a critical component of financial risk management for small businesses. It is all about trying to find the balance between staying within your budget and coming up with innovative ways to market your products and services. 

It is also critical to maintain your financial records so that you can reduce the chances of any financial mishap during times of crisis. Small habits such as organizing your records correctly and neatly, and making a note of who owes you money and how much you have borrowed from investors will be very helpful in the long run. Moreover, this will give you a thorough idea about your company’s financial standing, so you will be in a better position to access whether you will be able to make it through periods of recession.

Reduce overhead expenses

Overhead expenses might not seem like a lot initially, but they can add up to be one of the biggest reasons why your business consistently fails to stick to a budget. In times of financial crisis, it is important to reduce overhead expenses as much as possible. For example, hiring freelancers instead of full-time employees can be a way to reduce costs during troubled times. 

Always have an emergency fund

Any extra cash that your business makes should ideally be invested in some form of cash reserve which will act as an emergency fund during difficult times. Savings will carry forward your company during these times, which is why it is very important to always have enough emergency expenses. For example, consider saving any extra profit instead of reinvesting the amount or sharing it as a dividend among shareholders. 

Make sure your income channels are protected

By using unit economics, it is important to find out which income channels are the most important for your business. Once they are identified, you should strive to protect these channels and secure the profits generated by them. This might sound easy, but it would involve taking a lot of strategic business decisions, such as adjusting your business model, cutting down on products that do not generate enough revenue, or optimizing pricing models. 

Pay attention to your customers 

Many businesses tend to lose sight of their customers during times of financial distress, when other things may take precedence. Nevertheless, you must never take from your customers since they are the lifeline of every business. Do not compromise on the quality of your products and your services even during financial emergencies. You may want to save on costs by doing so, but this strategy could backfire and you may end up losing customers. This will lead to a drop in sales, which can be deadly for your business, especially during bad times. Losing your customers can have an irreparable impact on your business, which may take years to recover from. 

Consider debt management and new financing carefully

It can be a tempting idea to pay off your debts so that you can start on a clean slate. However, this can affect your cash reserves, which can leave you in a fix if you experience financial issues down the road. Instead of paying off all your debts, assess which ones you pay the highest interest for, and start by paying off those first. 

During a financial crisis, you may also want to consider newer financing options. Secured business loans, for example, can be one way to go about this, since these have a longer repayment period. This will help your business particularly if you face seasonal cash flow issues. Having an established line of credit will help you sail through these tough times. 

However, before taking on additional debt, it is important to first assess the overall costs and payment amounts so that this does not result in debt mounting and simply covers up a serious systemic financial problem. 

In Conclusion

When times are rough, it is very important to make strategically sound financial decisions. The slightest error in judgment could bring your business to the verge of bankruptcy. At these times, it is important to rely on instincts, but more focus should be given to financial trends, your company’s numbers and other relevant data. 

While you cannot control the course of the economy, what you can control is how your business runs. Tough financial situations will bring lots of challenges to your company, but the only way out is to deal with them the smart way through an efficient business strategy and a growth mindset.

How Should You Effectively Communicate Change in the Workplace?

Change is an ever-present reality in the workplace, requiring businesses to constantly adjust to many factors, including technological advancements, market dynamics, and internal restructuring. Within the workplace setting, these changes can disrupt established routines, generate a sense of uncertainty, and evoke resistance among employees.

However, successfully navigating change requires more than just implementation. It necessitates effective communication. Therefore, establishing a robust communication strategy becomes crucial to mitigate these challenges and foster a smooth transition. 

This article explores the importance of effective communication during workplace change, highlighting how it promotes understanding, builds trust, encourages engagement, and ultimately contributes to successful change implementation. 

1. Understanding the Change

Change in the workplace encompasses various types and is driven by different reasons. 

  • Organizational changes can include structural changes, such as mergers, acquisitions, or reorganizations, aimed at improving efficiency or responding to market demands. 
  • Process changes involve modifying workflows or implementing new technologies to enhance productivity and streamline operations.
  • Policy changes may occur to comply with legal requirements or address evolving industry standards.
  • Leadership changes, such as executive transitions, can bring new strategies and direction.
  • Economic factors, market trends, competitive pressures, or the need for innovation are common catalysts for change.

Understanding change is essential for maintaining a positive employee relationship. Organizations can address concerns, alleviate resistance, and foster a sense of trust and transparency by comprehending the reasons behind the change and its potential impact on employees.

Not to mention that recognizing common reactions to change, such as fear, uncertainty, and loss, makes it much easier for organizations to tailor their communication strategies effectively, promoting employee engagement and cooperation throughout the change process.

2. The Role of Leadership In Communicating Change

Leadership plays a pivotal role in effectively communicating change in the workplace. Leaders must demonstrate active involvement and unwavering commitment to the change initiative. 

By embodying thought leadership, leaders inspire confidence and create a sense of purpose among employees. Fostering trust and transparency is equally important. Leaders should clearly articulate the vision and goals of the change, openly addressing concerns and providing regular updates. 

Establishing open lines of communication and active listening to employee feedback also helps build trust and encourages a collaborative approach. When leaders effectively communicate change, they foster employee engagement, minimize resistance, and drive successful change implementation.

3. Crafting The Message

Crafting the message for communicating change in the workplace requires careful consideration. It involves identifying key messages and objectives that align with the company culture and resonate with employees. 

Effective and concise communication, utilizing formal writing words and language, plays a vital role in conveying professionalism and establishing credibility. It is crucial to tailor messages to different stakeholders, taking into account their specific concerns and interests. 

By customizing the message, it becomes more digestible and engaging. The message should clearly and articulately outline the purpose, benefits, and expected outcomes of the change while also addressing potential challenges. This, in turn, can create a shared understanding and foster a sense of unity among employees.

4. Choosing The Proper Communication Channels

Selecting the proper communication channels is essential to captivate the audience and effectively convey change in the workplace. The choice of channels should align with the nature of the change and the target audience. 

Channels such as company-wide emails, intranet portals, or town hall meetings may be appropriate for broad announcements or updates. Platforms like team meetings, small group discussions, or online forums can be utilized for more interactive and personalized communication. 

Social media platforms and digital newsletters are effective for reaching a wider audience. By carefully selecting communication channels, organizations can ensure the message goes to employees compellingly and engagingly, fostering better understanding and buy-in during times of change.

5. Creating a Two-Way Communication Process

Creating a two-way communication process fosters meaningful engagement, empowering employees to contribute their ideas and perspectives actively. 

By creating an open dialogue, organizations facilitate a smoother transition by ensuring that employees feel heard and valued. It promotes a sense of ownership and involvement, as employees are given opportunities to share their insights and suggestions.

This collaborative approach strengthens employee morale, enhances problem-solving capabilities, and cultivates a supportive environment where everyone is invested in the success of the change. 

Ultimately, the two-way communication process drives positive outcomes and facilitates a seamless transition throughout the change journey.

6. Training and Support

Identifying training needs is crucial to equip employees with the necessary skills and knowledge to adapt to the change effectively. Organizations should provide resources such as training programs, workshops, or online learning platforms to address these needs. 

Additionally, establishing a support team or mentorship program can offer guidance and assistance to employees navigating the change process. 

Investing in training and providing comprehensive support can empower employees to embrace the change, reduce anxiety, and build confidence in their abilities. This contributes to a better transition and enhances overall employee performance and satisfaction.

7. Overcoming Resistance and Conflict

Overcoming resistance and managing conflict is crucial for successful change implementation in the workplace. Organizations can employ several strategies to address opposition and handle conflicts effectively. These include:

  • Actively listening to employees’ concerns and empathizing with their perspectives.
  • Providing clear and consistent communication about the change, addressing misconceptions, and highlighting the benefits.
  • Involving employees in decision-making processes to foster a sense of ownership and engagement.
  • Offering training and support to help employees adapt to the change and build necessary skills.
  • Implementing conflict resolution techniques, such as mediation or negotiation, to address conflicts constructively.
  • Recognizing and celebrating small wins and positive outcomes to motivate employees and promote a positive change culture.

8. Monitoring and Evaluation

Collecting feedback from employees and stakeholders provides valuable insights into the effectiveness of communication efforts. By implementing surveys, focus groups, or one-on-one interviews, organizations can gather feedback on the communication’s clarity, relevance, and timeliness. 

Additionally, measuring the impact of communication on employee engagement, morale, and understanding can be achieved through metrics such as employee satisfaction surveys or communication effectiveness scores. 

For example, a study found that organizations with high levels of employee engagement during change initiatives experienced 22% higher productivity and 25% higher profitability than those with low engagement. 

Monitoring and evaluation allow organizations to make data-driven adjustments and improve communication strategies, ensuring continuous improvement throughout the change process.


In conclusion, effective communication is a crucial element in successfully navigating change in the workplace.

By implementing the strategies discussed in this article, organizations can create a supportive environment where employees feel engaged, informed, and empowered during times of change. 

Prioritizing effective communication during change will allow organizations to navigate transitions successfully, foster a positive work environment, and drive positive outcomes for both employees and the organization. As a result, employees can work better, increasing productivity and achieving organizational objectives.