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Data Security Just Became Everyone’s Job

Gone are the days when your tech support team was just down the hall, ready to diagnose any dilemma ailing your devices. Even if you don’t have an IT professional on-premise, every office has their de facto “tech expert”. Maybe that person is you, maybe it’s an intern, accountant, whomever. But now that your employees are scattered, what is the proper protocol for handling complex technical difficulties? Or, more importantly, what is the proper protocol for proactively deterring these issues? Google is always ready and willing to answer your questions, but sometimes your employees will require more than a search query.

Cyber Security

Technical malfunctions are an issue in more ways than one. In the midst of the most abrupt shift businesses—and, frankly, modern society—have ever seen, hackers, scammers, and delinquents across the world are digging their seedy fingers into any vulnerability they can detect.

Protecting your business against threats starts with investing in the proper technology, but it goes far beyond that. Your employees need to understand the importance of protecting your business’s data, and need to be aware of the dangers that often lie in plain sight. With the persistent and continued entanglement of personal and business information comes increased responsibility on behalf of you and your employees.

Time Is Money

If your business has never been exposed to a data breach, then consider yourself lucky. Cybercrime has consistently been on the rise for years now, but the COVID-19 pandemic has given rise to even more attacks across the globe. With an unprecedented amount of people working from unsecured workstations, it has been a proverbial field day for cybercriminals.

Now, you may be thinking “Why would someone hack my small business? We’re not Apple or Amazon with trillions in the bank.” It’s a fair point, but put yourself in the shoes of the criminals for a minute. Would you feel more apt to launch an attack on an organization with arguably more money, power, and cybersecurity systems than most world governments or on a small to medium sized business with (relatively) less money, power, or cybersecurity infrastructure?

From the eyes of the criminal, it seems wise to steal $1000 from 100 different uber-vulnerable small businesses rather than heist $100,000 from a Fortune 500 company. Insidious as these criminals are, they are savvy enough not to pick fights they cannot win. 

According to a study published on, 1 in 5 small businesses have fallen victim to a cyberattack. Of those, 60% go out of business within 6 months. Considering that—according to IBM—the average time from identification to containment of a security breach is 280 days, your business simply can’t afford not to take preventive measures against cybercrime. 

Securing The Workstation

Many businesses have been fortunate enough to be able to give employees the hardware they need to continue operating remotely. For others, they’ve had to rely on their employees’ personal computers to get the job done. By now, in either case, you’ve probably read up on standard security measures to take. You’ve mandated VPN software, ensuring passwords don’t actually contain the word “password”, and educated your employees on the dangers of phishing emails.

Even if you put all of these procedures in place, sometimes they are simply not enough. No business is unique—true cybersecurity can’t be achieved with a “one-size-fits-all” approach. By using software that can mold to the contour of your business’s specific needs, you’ll be able to have the peace of mind knowing that your data is safe.  

With all of your employees operating, communicating, and sharing documents under the same umbrella of security, you’ll be able to better handle any issues that arise. More importantly, you’ll be able to prevent them from even happening in the first place.

People, Not Computers, Make Choices

As a business owner, your job is not only to put proper security protocols in place, but to ensure they are actually being followed. A chain is only as strong as its weakest link—it only takes one less-than-diligent employee to compromise your data. How can you make sure security measures are consistently being adhered to without disrupting the atmosphere of trust that has become so crucial to remote work?

Online Trust

The answer is proper training. Whether that is coming directly from you, your IT department, or an outside agency enlisted to help your business, it is critical that your employees know what’s at stake. Cybercriminals are cunning, heartless, and unrelenting—they will always be pursuing new tactics of subversion. When your employees are properly educated and trained on how to best hinder the actions of malevolent actors, they will better understand the gravity of the situation.

Act Early, Remain Diligent

Not all problems can be avoided, especially during a time like this. But if you find your business playing catch-up when it comes to a security breach, it may already be too late. By taking tangible, preventative steps to install the proper systems you can rest assured that you’re doing everything in your power to keep your business afloat.

Keep your employees in the loop—their understanding of the critical role they play in data security is paramount. Cybercrime will never truly cease to exist, but when it comes to your business, your fate doesn’t have to be determined by anyone but you.

Cloud Security: How to Make Sure Your Data is Safe

Cloud Security: Safer. Cheaper. Trending.

Cloud computing isn’t just the future of data storage. Its history has already begun being written. As more companies seek to move to a cloud-based ERP solution, they may have questions and concerns about whether the cloud is actually safe.

The good news? The cloud is resoundingly safer

Cloud Security

But here’s the deeper truth: if you use a SaaS ERP product, whether it’s hosted on the cloud or not, there’s no 100% guarantee your data is secure. It’s a percentage that any company or software vendor would love to tout. But they can’t. 

There are too many types of attacks out there, happening with incredible frequency. iNSYNQ is just the latest victim of a ransomware attack that disrupted service for many QuickBooks users. These attacks prevented accountants, CPAs, and businesses from accessing data and continuing work. 

It’s scary, and the numbers behind it are even scarier. Accounting Today shared a report that in 2019, 4.3 ransomware attacks occur per minute. In 2021, they predict that number to go up to 5.5 per minute.

Increased ERP security measures

Cloud hosting for software works in many different models. Some software companies host their own data, while others outsource to third-party hosting companies. 

erp cloud security drawing

If you’re using cloud software and you’re concerned about data security, it’s worth taking some time to ask yourself a fundamental question: do I know who’s hosting my data?

If the answer is “no,” then it’s probably time for you to find out. If you do know, it’s always a good idea to read up on their security policy. Make sure it’s current and that you feel comfortable with the language they’re using when they talk about data protection.

Another question you should ask yourself: does my software vendor host their own data? That could matter— here’s why:

When software companies or vendors outsource cloud hosting, they’re asking you to trust two different entities. First, there’s the vendor who sold you the software and probably helped you implement it; second, there’s the company that is actually responsible for storing your data.

Call it divided trust. Call it doubled trust. It depends on whether your company has a “glass-half-full” attitude. No matter how you see it, your ultimate priority is keeping your information secure.

Trusting that your data is safe

When your software vendor is also the same company who hosts your data, you don’t have to wonder about whether that data has been outsourced. That means there’s only one set of security standards you need to think about.

If you’re interested in a security audit your hosting company, here are just a few things you should ask about:

  • Data access– does anyone have permission to access your data besides you?
  • Data backups– how often do they happen? What are the restoration capabilities?
  • User authentication– how do people log in? 
  • Testing environments– are they connected, in any way, to the production environment?
  • Uptime service level– what is the percentage of time your software is operational? (99.99% is optimal)
  • Privacy- is your data copied, shared, or modified in any way?

Simply taking the opportunity to have a security conversation with your data host can be an important measure toward understanding the safety level of your data.


While no data, whether it’s stored in the cloud or in traditional centers, is entirely safe from attacks, there are security measures you can take. 

Digital Trust

Knowing who hosts your data and understanding their security measures can help you know that you’ve got someone who values your data protection on your side. And not just in an abstract way. After all, do you want to be “one of many” companies to your data host? Do you want to be nameless? 

Or, do you want to work with a company that has earned your trust by showing you the personal attention you deserve? It’s your choice, of course. But understanding the difference between outsourced data hosting and in-house hosting can mean the difference in the security of your business’s information.

Why The Cloud is More Secure

We are living in a time where privacy isn’t just a top concern in our personal lives. It’s also more important than ever for our businesses. We’ve all encountered enough nightmare scenarios in the news to know that our data security is constantly at risk. Cloud security, especially where ERP software systems and applications are concerned, has become perhaps the hottest topic in the tech world.

Moving to a cloud future

Cloud Abilities

Since Dropbox launched its cloud service in 2007, the fascination with data storage, and data protection that accompanies it, has occupied the ways we talk about information.

The advantages of the cloud have been well-documented. Quentin Hardy, writing in the New York Times, summarizes the efficiency benefits of cloud computing: “When workloads are shared, computers can run closer to full capacity, with several programs going at the same time. It’s much more efficient than stand-alone computers running one job at a time.”

And it’s not just about efficiency. The cloud is more agile, less intrusive, and allows for remote and field service work opportunities that ever existed before it.

It’s also more secure.

Kasey Panetta writes in Gartner that “through 2020, public cloud infrastructure as a service (IaaS) workloads will suffer at least 60% fewer security incidents than those in traditional data centers.”

Why are businesses still worried about cloud security?

erp system servers

Despite the facts, plenty of businesses still have concerns about their data security and privacy in the cloud. A basic understanding of what the cloud is (namely, a network of remote servers) could make people think their data isn’t safe. 

If before, a company’s data was stored on its own server and computer, that method provided the illusion of control. In other words, if the data is in “your house,” no one is going to steal it. Alternately, some people feel that having someone else store their data makes it more vulnerable.

All of this makes logical sense… until you realize that you trust banks with your money instead of stuffing it all inside your mattress.

In the same way that banks have tighter security measures and offer more protection to customers, the operators of cloud servers have the same obligations to users. It’s a simple concept: with more people and more data comes the need for more protection.

A safer user = a safer ERP cloud experience

When it comes to data security in the cloud, it’s less a question of whether data stored in the cloud is protected. It’s actually a question of how people use the cloud. In most cases, the best ERP software systems will have layers upon layers of redundancy and security measures in place.

erp security icon

Did you know that the most security breaches and problems with data protection are the results of user error?

It’s true. Jay Heiser, Research VP at Gartner, notes that “through 2022, at least 99% of cloud security failures will be the customer’s fault.” A harsh assessment, certainly. But also one that can be prevented with simple training and education.  

More cloud users should understand the importance of password length (aka “passphrase”). Organizations should employ multi-factor authentication measures and make sure they restrict sensitive data from employees who don’t need it. When companies use and train on IT security best practices, they maximize the data protection within their cloud solution.


Information stored in the cloud isn’t just safer and smarter. It’s also becoming more necessary. As cloud services edge out traditional data storage models, businesses that don’t make the transition will be left with legacy technologies. 

While cloud security is the safest choice for any business who has the forward-thinking ability to understand its necessity, choosing a cloud host is just as important. When you’re looking for solutions, make sure you evaluate the security standards of any cloud host. If full documentation isn’t available on the website, go ahead and request it.

The cloud isn’t the future of business anymore. It’s the present. There are many software products out there that can help your business run better. Within that field, there’s really only one direction in which you need to look.